Jane Huang from Y2J(:CHIO SIOLLLLL!
Ok after saying that,kinda feel like a crazy fan.Was watching One Million $ Star when i paused to admire the beauty of this girl.
Enough of my fantasy,went to school as usual(not really as usual) today at 9.45 MRT was empty,hardly get to sit on the journey to school.Went to class for LifeSkill,played some guessing game,quite fun.Had PE after that,played Table Tennis for awhile before going to the gym to slack and cool down.Went home after that with SheKiat.
Met Theodoric at Lot1 Mac for lunch,talked alot about primary and secondary school life.Caught up alot,hahs,oh how i miss thoses days of fun and laughter,but now everyone seems to be going their own ways.Even the usual gang only manage to meet up once a week or once every fornight.
Unlike secondary school days,we get to see each other everyday,meeting after school for KFC or Fried Oyster.
Did i mention Jane Huang from Y2J is very pretty.OH YEA i did(: